Thursday, May 29, 2008

Creating a Learning Community - 5/21/08

Today in class we presented our Name Presentations. What was the purpose of this assignment?

Certainly, the name presentation allows us to become more familiar with our classmates. But, by assigning a topic which is fully familiar to the speaker, Dr. Smirnova gave us the opportunity to exhibit our teaching skills while not having to concern ourselves with content. It was wonderful to see the different methods used to introduce oneself to the class. I especially liked the creativity displayed by Maureen, who used works of art to describe herself. By using a creative and unusual manner, she was able to stimulate the audience’s interest and hold its attention.

Why Three Pluses and A Wish? By asking each student to give three compliments on each presentation, along with one area which could be improved, Dr. Smirnova set the framework for a learning community. She could have simply given only instructor feedback, but by inviting the whole class to give their comments, the presenter has many different points of view to consider in order to improve on that performance. While some students may be uncomfortable with offering suggestion on the performance of another, we must remember that it is in the spirit of encouragement and growth.

In my future teaching, I will include this lesson of allowing the class to provide their feedback on the performance of others in my lesson plans. If I am careful to foster a culture of supportive encouragement in the classroom, the feedback of others is sure to result in the improved performance of the student.

*Please scroll to the bottom of the blog page to read some interesting quotes on planning and education*

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